Spring Cleaning 101!
A month into Spring and we’re finally knee deep in cleaning mode! If you are too, check out our GO-TO-GUIDE for organizing home electronics, wires and tidying up any entertainment area in the house where there’s a wall-mounted TV.
CABLES/WIRES: Does the back of your flat screen TV look a little like this? Just because it may be out of sight DOES NOT mean it should be out of mind.
Here’s how to organize and tame the rat's nest of cords behind your TV:
BUNDLE them: Spring cleaning typically means a lot of trips to the container store, but you may not think of them for electronic organization. Well…you should! These reusable ties are great for everything from holding snack bags closed to bundling cords, and these (see below) even allow you to color code!
LABEL them: Now that your cords are organized, take it one step further by labeling each wire near the plug and never unplug the wrong cord again! Dotz makes a great variety of options for organizing your cords.
DISCS: We know you’re not a hoarder, but there’s a better way to store your old hard-to-part-with discs than stacking them on furniture. First thing's first: Get rid the plastic cases (recycle them, of course), but get rid of them! They’re unsightly and taking up valuable shelf space in your living room. Here’s a fun ways to keep CDs, games and DVDs you just can’t imagine getting rid of – while incorporating them into your décor seamlessly:
DIY: Organize in decorative binders (click here for a step-by-step how-to guide)
POWER CORDS: HIDE everything right down to the power cord! Here’s two ideas on how to conceal unsightly power cords:
- DIY it: All You magazine shows us how to get creative and make one yourself:

Or order one from BlueLounge. Check out this before and after! Spring cleaning made easy!
CONSOLES: You’ve heard us say this before and we’ll say it again: There’s no better way to organize, display or HIDE your gaming systems, cable boxes, streaming devices and other consoles than HIDEit Mounts.
Mount them! This before and after shows how easily HIDEit frees up space around the TV – its a spring cleaning must-have! www.HideitMounts.com
STORAGE: With all that space freed up from unsightly consoles, use it to store toys, photos, remotes and more. Some ideas on how to tackle storage:
LABEL, label, label: Organize into categories and then use Bin clips. These make it easy and affordable to use the storage boxes you already have without racking up a $100 tab shopping for new containers.
- DIY CONTAINERS: Before taking a trip to the store for fancy baskets, take a look at these DIY tips to creating storage boxes from things around the house like gift boxes + old books: