Limited Edition PINK Controller Mount Benefitting Breast Cancer Awareness

This year, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we decided to do something very special, to support a cause that is very special: the National Breast Cancer Foundation. We brainstormed and discussed endlessly about what we could do that would not only financially benefit the foundation, but do this month justice. We finally decided to add a little splash of color to one of our most popular mounts: we crafted the Limited Edition Pink Uni-C Controller Mount!
We are so excited to announce that $5 of each Limited Edition Pink Controller Mount sold goes to the foundation. And the reason that we are SO excited about this is that not only do they conduct research and provide education, they provide free mammograms to women in need. This is crucial because early detection is key. When breast cancer is detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 100%. Even though breast cancer cannot be prevented, the National Breast Cancer Foundation provides the tools and the necessary knowledge for women everywhere to spot any signs of the cancer. Last year they provided over 12,000 medical services to women such as mammograms, biopsies, and ultrasounds.
HIDEit Mounts Limited Edition Pink Controller Mount
Our Uni-C Controller Mount is perfect to wall mount your Controller conveniently next to your favorite Console for easy access and charging. The HIDEit Uni-C works with most Video Game Controllers from NVIDIA, PlayStation, Xbox and more. Get yours in PINK to not only add that splash of color to your gaming setup, but to play a part in helping women beat breast cancer.
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