Alicia installed her HIDEit Mount while PREGNANT!

Alicia sent her afterHIDEitMounts images to us with the subject line "7 months pregnant and was able to do this!" Like most, she was tired of trying to decorate around her giant X1 Comcast Xfinity cable box...then she found us!

"I am a petite woman who is 7 months pregnant and was able set up my HIDEit mount with ease (and a power drill). Thank you for providing a great user-friendly product!"

Pregnant or not, us ladies can do far more than we imagine possible. There are plenty of handy women on HGTV and DIY Network these days plus incredible carpenters like Anna White to inspire us. But still, there are a lot of ladies that are nervous about installing our mounts. That's why we've kept our mounts simple enough for ANYONE to install them - handy or not! It only takes a few minutes and can be done with or without a drill.

Thanks for sharing your victory, Alicia!